수업주제 세계시민교육가치를 바탕으로한 국제보건증진 프로젝트 설계
수업 목적 및 목표 세계시민교육과 국제보건 프로그램 개발이 공유하는 중요한 요소들을 학생들과 함께 연구하고 토론하여 세계시민교육과 국제보건을 접목시키는 활동에 대해 배우고 적용한다. 각 참여 학생 그룹은 개발도상국, 혹은 개발국의 소외된 집단이 마주하는 보건시스템 및 건강문제를 발견하여 분석, 그 문제를 해결할 방법을 연구하여 발표한. 추후 이런 분석과 제시된 해결책을 UNESCO 관계자들과 세계시민교육 및 국제보건에 관심이 있는 국내/국제 학생들을 대상으로 발표회를 가진다.
사회공헌 실천활동 분야 교육/상담, 보건 의료, 지역사회활동, 정책/인식개선
사회공헌 실천대상 개발도상국, 기타


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.03-2023.06 활동장소 서울대학교 (한국 HPV 백신 접근의 불평등)
활동목적 인유두종바이러스(Human Papilloma Virus, 이하 HPV)는 여러 다양한 질병을 초래할 수 있으며 한국에서만 매년 3,300여명의 사람들이 해당 질병으로 고통받고 있으며 매일 2~3명의 사람들이 해당 질병으로 사망하고 있다. HPV 예방접종으로 HPV로 인해 발생하는 질병 중 두 개인 자궁경부암과 자궁경부 선암종의 발병율을 90프로 이상 예방 가능하다. 한국에서는 현재 2005년도 1월 1일부터 2011년도 12월 31일 사이에 태어난 여아들을 대상으로 이러한 예방접종을 시행하고 있으며 많은 보건소 및 병원에서 이러한 접종을 제공하고 있다. 한국뿐 아니라 영국, 독일, 호주, 미국, 캐나다를 포함한 여러 국가에서도 국가차원에서의 HPV 예방접종을 시행하고 있다. 이러한 국가차원에서의 시행에도 불구하고 여러 문제점이 있으며, 남성은 HPV 접종과 관련하여 금전적으로 지원받지 못하며 18세 이상 중산층 여성 역시 배제되어 있다. 이에 대한 문제를 해결하고자 해외사례를 조사하고, 보건전문가에게 실제적 해결책을 제시하고 현실가능한 정책을 제언하고자 한다.
활동내용 6월5일 학생발표회에서 유네스코 관계자, Ethiopia, Phillppines, Indonesia, Poland에서 한국으로 온 유학생들에게 해결책을 제시했으며, 이에 대한 현실 실현 가능성에 대해서 확인하였다.
해결책은 실행가능하여야 하며 현존하는 시스템에 부합해야 한다. 따라서, 여성의 경우, 소득 기준을 다시 재정립하여 HPV 예방접종을 시행하여야 하며 또한, 남성의 경우, 국민건강보험공단에서 시행하고 있는 총 본인부담금 상한액 시스템을 활용하여 HPV 예방접종을 받고자하는 남성의 총 본인부담금 상한액을 초과한만큼 국민건강보험공단에서 금전적으로 보조하여 남성의 HPV 접종률을 높여야 한다. 이러한 적극적인 정부의 보조와 지원은 지속가능목표 3과 10에 직접적으로 관련이 있으며 세계시민교육의 핵심 가치와도 맏닿아 있으므로 국가 차원에서도 긍정적인 변화가 야기될 것으로 예상한다.
다른 나라의 사례를 통해서 한국의 HPV백신 보급에 대한 문제를 다루고 있어서 비교할 수 있어 좋았다는 피드백을 받았으며, 특별히 여성만이 아닌 남성에게도 필요한 사항임을 제시해주어서 HPV 백신에 관심이 없는 남성층에게도 충분히 어필할 수 있는 제언이었다.
활동소감 조이수: 현 제도를 비판하는 것은 쉽지만, 더 나은 제도를 근거를 갖추어 구상하고 현실성 있는 대안으로서 다듬는 과정이 정말 어렵다는 것을 느꼈다. 네 명뿐인 팀 내에서도 의견이 분분하다면 실제 사회에 적용하기까지는 더 많은 이견이 있을 것이라 생각했다. 한편 그 과정에서 다른 나라의 다양한 사례를 들여다 보는 것이 큰 도움이 될 수 있다는 것을 배웠다. 문제 상황에 놓였을 때 그와 비슷한 다른 사례를 탐색한 후 적절하게 적용하는 방식을 익힐 수 있었으며, 이는 앞으로도 아주 유용할 것이라 생각한다.
김수진: All of our members were so willing to participate in the group project, so it was such a joyful experience to be a part of my group. Coming up with an eligible solution was very meaningful since our topic was directly related to us. But it made refining our problem statement very challenging as we could not be sure if we were directing this subject objectively.
추유진: The most meaningful part of working on the group project was realizing the difficulty of creating a system that can do good and satisfy the majority. This experience helped me to understand that policies are difficult to create since they require lots of resources.
김다은:Most of all, the teamates were all very cooperative, searching for info of German vaccine policy was difficult.->can’t speak German.


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.03-2023.06 활동장소 서울대학교 (우크라이나-러시아 전쟁 난민대상)
활동목적 러시아와 우크라이나 전쟁으로 인해 많은 사람들이 PTSD에 시달리고 있으며, 아직 끝나지 않은 전쟁으로 인해 이에 대한 해결책이 필요한 상황이다. 13-18세의 우크라이나 청소년들은 불면증, 불안 행동을 보이며 극도로 소극적인 성격이 되거나 몇몇 그룹은 파괴적인 행동을 보이기도 한다. 특별히 청소년 난민들에게서 이러한 행동이 두드러지고 있으며, 이는 다른 연구에서도 전쟁을 경험한 그룹이 PTSD 증상을 5섯배 이상으로 보이고 있다. 이에 따란 난민 청소년들을 위한 해결책을 제시하고 이에 대한 실제 적용 가능성에 대해서 피드백을 받고자 한다.
이에 대한 해결책으로
활동내용 6월5일 학생발표회에서 유네스코 관계자, Ethiopia, Phillppines, Indonesia, Poland에서 한국으로 온 유학생들에게 해결책을 제시했으며, 이에 대한 현실 실현 가능성에 대해서 확인하였다.
해결책으로 제시된 Story-telling은 사실을 기반으로 내담자가 겪은 상황을 자연스럽게 나눌 수 있도록 격려하고, 이를 바탕으로 경험한 것에 대한 생각과 감정을 나눌 수 있도록 open-quuestions으로 마음을 열게한다. 이후 자신이 불안함을 느끼게 했던 부분에 대해서 집중적으로 나누며 마지막으로 irrational한 생각을 고치고, 자신이 어떻게 다른 생각을 하게 되었는지 나누며 마무리 하게 한다. 이는 실제 탈북민 청소년들에게서 시행되어 다른 치료기법보다 효과가 좋았다는 연구 결과가 있다. Bibliotherapy는 책을 읽으면서 자신들의 traumatic한 경험을 바라보고 감정에 대해서 나눌 수 있도록 돕는다. 학교뿐만 아니라 가족단위에서도 시행될 수 있는 좋은 방법이다. 이는 정부와 학교, 또한 지역사회의 협업으로 시행될 수 있음을 제시했다.
Story-telling therapy, Biblotherapy가 실제 개발도상국 context에서 시행하면서 겪는 어려움으로는 실제 therapy를 시행할 현장 전문가와 책의 제공에 대한 부분이었다. 우크라이나-러시아 전쟁이 계속 되고 있고, 난민의 문제가 실제적인 상황에서 정말 필요한 문제이고, 논의되는 것에 큰 의의가 있지만 실제 context안에서 어떻게 실행될 수 있을지에 대한 추가 연구와 다른 context안에서 시행되는 다른 사례에 대한 접근이 필요하다는 피드백을 받을 수 있었다.
활동소감 김재희 : 우크라이나에 무관심했었는데 이번 기회를 통해 더 잘 알 수 있었다. 우리 수준에서 어떤 솔루션을 제시할 수 있을지 처음에는 막막했는데 마지막에는 생각했던 것보다 더 잘 마무리해서 뿌듯했다.
조희연: 처음에 그룹프로젝트를 시작했을 때는 정말 막막했던 것 같다. 우크라이나 전쟁 때문에 고통 받는 아이들을 위해서 우리가 다같이 노력해야하는 건 맞지만, 그것에 대한 솔루션을 내놓는 것을 과연 우리가 할 수 있을까라는 생각을 많이 했다. 더군다나 다른 PTSD를 겪고 있는 아이들과는 다르게, 우크라이나의 아이들에게 전쟁은 아직 진행중이다. 그러므로 다른 상황들에 비해서는 지속적이고 전문적인 치료를 하기 어려울 것이라고 우리 조는 생각했다. 그래서 적은 비용이나 공간, 시간 등을 이용하여 보다 쉽지만, 효과는 있는 방법을 찾는 것이 어려웠다. 또한 우리가 솔루션으로 제시한 스토리텔링이 정말 효과가 있다는 것을 보여주기 위해서 선행 연구들을 찾는 과정도 어려웠다. 하지만 이런 어려운 과정들을 거치면서, 조원들이 모두 하나의 과제를 위해서 한학기 동안 노력하고 마지막에 발표했을 때는 정말 큰 보람과 뿌듯함을 느꼈던 것 같다.
홍여진: The meaningful part was that we could search for global issues by ourselves and find the solution. Also, we could have the opportunity to present our solution to classmates and guests from other countries as well. It was interesting to hear their point of view. The challenging part was that it was hard to give shape to our solution, especially because the topic was about 'mental' health. Finding the sources to prove the effects of storytelling by accurate statistics was challenging as well.
Himeno Kana : The meaningful part was that we could search for global issues by ourselves and find the solution. Also, we could have the opportunity to present our solution to classmates and guests from pther countries as well. It was interesting to hear their point of view. The challenging part was that it was hard to give shape to our solution, especially because the topic was about 'mental' health. Finding the sources to prove the effects of storytelling by accurate statistics was challenging as well.


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.03-2023.06 활동장소 서울대학교(에티오피아 임산부 대상)
활동목적 빈혈은 적혈구 생성량이 적거나 기능 장애가 있는 상태를 말한다. 가장 흔한 iron결핍으로 발생하는 빈혈을 가진 군에서도 월경기로 인한 빈혈의 위험이이 높으며 ,특히나 태아에게도 영향을 줄 수 있는 산모를 대상으로 연구를 진행하였다. 에티오피아는 임산부의 빈혈율이 41.7% (일반 36.8%)로 아프리카에서 가장 높은 것으로 보고 되고 있다. 에티오피아에서도 산모의 결핵 발병율을 줄이기 위한 여러 연구와 프로젝트들이 진행되고 있다. 이를 바탕으로 에티오피아의 산모의 결핵방볍율을 줄이기 위한 해결책을 제시하고자 한다.
활동내용 6월5일 학생발표회에서 유네스코 관계자, Ethiopia, Phillppines, Indonesia, Poland에서 한국으로 온 유학생들에게 해결책을 제시했으며, 이에 대한 현실 실현 가능성에 대해서 확인하였다.
이번 활동에서는 보건증진에서도 영양보건을 기반으로 한 NGO인 WITH(Wholistic Interest Through Health) 신민서 대표와 사전 인터뷰를 진행했다. 현재 WITH에서는 5세미만 아동을 대상으로 영영양프로그램을 진행중이며, 주요 영양소와 철분과 같은 주요 미량 영양소를 포함한 건강기능 식품을 개발하여 제공하고 있다. 신민서 대표는 adovocy에 대해 강조하며 캄보디아에 영양식품 공장을 설립해서 주민들의 일자리 창출과 NGO의 빈자리에도 불구하고 지속가능성을 보장할 수 있어야 함을 강조하였다. 이를 종합한 해결책으로는 Iron이 풍부한 음식섭취에 대한 교육과 Iron뿐만 아니라 다양한 요소를 포함한 영양보조제의 공급을 제시하였다.
에티오피아 관계자들은 임산부의 결핵문제는 에티오피에서 정말 중요한 문제이며 이미 많은 연구와 프로젝트들이 시행되고 있음에 동의하였다. 특히나 위드와의 인터뷰에 대해서 지속가능성을 위한 프로젝트가 필요함을 어필했으며, 부모와 학생들을 대상으로 하는 영양교육에 대해서도 다시 한번 강조하였다.
활동소감 Geuni Kim: I enjoyed various aspects of the group project. I had the opportunity to work with a dynamic group of peers, learn and research a global health issue in depth, and critically ponder on the solutions to solve a global health issue. I learnt many skills while working on this project such as teamwork, time management, and presentation skills. The most challenging part of the group project was selecting a global health issue (as there were so many we could choose from) and coming up with a solution.
김정아: The topic of our group project was "Iron deficiency related anemia of pregnant women in Ethiopia". Initially, it was challenging to clearly define the target problem, so our group made significant efforts to persuade the audience about why we chose 'anemia', specifically 'iron deficiency anemia', and why we focused on 'Ethiopia'.
As the only member majoring in nutritional science, I voluntarily took charge of the solution part. I extensively researched and read numerous papers to come up with possible solutions. However, I was concerned whether our group's ideas would be effective. So I made contact with the non-profit organization 'WITH,' which engages in nutrition intervention activities and international development efforts in developing countries, and conducted an interview with Ms. Shin, who is nutrition analyst for "WITH". Fortunately, this interaction provided us with the confidence in our solutions.
Despite all group members being busy, preparing for the project was challenging at times. Nonetheless, it was a truly enjoyable experience, and and I'm glad it ended well! At the final presentation, guests from Ethiopia listened to our presentation well, gave feedback, informed us of the local situation, and gave us thumbs up. This will never be forgotten.
Through the group project, I was able to look at international issues from a broader perspective and have a vision to become a person who strives to promote global public health. What I am particularly grateful for is that I have become confident that I can contribute to the nutrition of the global community in the future by utilizing my major in food and nutrition. I recently joined the international volunteer team of 'WITH' and will be dispatched to Cambodia for a week in July. I am preparing for my time in Cambodia with prayers, hoping to learn, experience, and grow during my stay. I trust in God's presence in Cambodia and hope to have meaningful encounters with His works in the country.
정이안: Cooperating to think out valid solutions to our target problem was a unique challenge. Searching the web for information and widening our knowledge was very helpful, while brainstorming for possible answers was quite difficult.
김대일: It was interesting. Finding solution for our problem was far challenging one.


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.03-2023.06 활동장소 서울대학교 (모잠비크 임산부 및 산후케어 대상)
활동목적 모잠비크는 아프리카 대륙의 남동부에 위치한 국가로 세계은행 2021년도 자료에 따르면 전체 인구는 3,208,000,000명으로 전체 인구 중 62%가 농촌지역에 거주하고 있다. 1984년도에 첫 HIV 사례가 발견되었으며 1996년도에 첫 항레트로바이러스 치료 프로그램이 국가차원에서 시행되고 있다. 2002년도에는 레트로바이러스 치료를 더 많이 보급하고자 모잠비크 정부와 여러 국제기구들이 파트너쉽을 맺음. 2004년에 모잠비크 정부는 HIV 검사 및 카운슬링 캠페인을 시행하였고 그 이후에도 HIV 및 레트로바이러스 치료와 관련된 여러 의료서비스를 국가차원에서 시행하고 있다. UNIAIDS의 2021년도 자료에 따르면 모잠비크에서 AIDS 검사율은 39%였으며 농촌 지역에서 HIV에 감염된 환자 중 54%만이 레트로바이러스 치료를 받고 있다. 이러한 이유는 자동차 보유율이 3% 미만이고 등록된 자동차가 밀집된 지역은 대부분 도시이기 때문이다.
활동내용 6월5일 학생발표회에서 유네스코 관계자, Ethiopia, Phillppines, Indonesia, Poland에서 한국으로 온 유학생들에게 해결책을 제시했으며, 이에 대한 현실 실현 가능성에 대해서 확인하였다.
첫번째 해결책은 이동이 가능한 의료팀을 꾸려 환자들이 발이 되게 하는 것과 둘째 해결책은 모잠비크 농촌 지역에 지역보건소를 설립하여 임산부들을 위한 서비스를 제공하는 것이다. 이러한 해결책은 AIDS 검사률의 증가를 야기할 것이며 더 많은 환자들이 항레트로바이러스 치료를 받을 수 있게 할하고, 또한, 산모와 아기들에게 더욱 많은 의료서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것이며 관련 데이터 수집을 가능케해 연관된 공공정책 수립에도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 해결책은 지속가능발전목표의 3, 5, 8, 10 뿐만 아니라 4와 17과 직접적인 연관이 있으며, 모잠비크 정부와 여러 관계자와 파트너쉽을 통해 지속가능발전목표의 17을 달성할 수 있고 개선된 보건의료 서비스를 통해 건강해진 산모와 아기들이 양질의 교육(지속가능발전목표 4)을 받고 사회에 봉사할 수 있는 개개인으로 거듭날 수 있게 하기 때문이다.
HIV/ADIS는 국제보건 분야에서 대두되는 이슈이기 때문에 에티오피아 관계자 뿐만아니라 인도네시아 WHO에서 일하고 있는 행정가 까지도 현재 HIV 치료와 관련한 실제 사업사례를 소개해주며 중요한 문제를 다루어주었고, 의료팀과 보건소 설립은 보건체계 레벨에서 필요하며, 이에대한 정책 전문가와 펀딩에 대한 필요성을 다시한번 강조하였다.
활동소감 TA Ly An Phong : Overall positive. We coincidentally were members from such diverse background (exclusively international students). The most interesting part of the group project would be adressing a current issue from a country which we are truly not familiar with (Mozambique), where we have learnt from both this specific country and also from global policies surrounding Subsaharian Africa. Most challenging part would be group work itself ? as we did not have the same level of commitment (I ended up doing all the research part and slides, while my team members were voicing the oral presentation, and they were very skilled at it). I figure it was the most efficient way to work within our group and every single of us agreed on how to tackle the project so we were all satisfied. It was very amusing to notice the difference between the 4 group work, we can see that our academic backgrounds play in the way how we deal with those presentations. Indeed the 3 other presentations (mostly dentistry students) were heavily evidenced-based (big amount of data, graphs to back up the solution content) while ours (2 business, 1 anthropology & 1 public health major) were more about emphasizing on the issue & a greater story-telling of the solution.
Minh Phi: My experience with the group project on the low retention rate for HIV treatment in Mozambique for pregnant mothers was both eye-opening and challenging. Working together with my team members allowed us to delve into the complexities of the issue, understand the contextual factors at play, and propose potential solutions. However, we also encountered certain difficulties throughout the project. The most meaningful part of the group project was gaining a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by pregnant mothers with HIV in Mozambique. Through extensive research and engagement with relevant stakeholders, we were able to grasp the multifaceted nature of the problem. We learned about the social, cultural, economic, and healthcare system barriers that contribute to the low retention rate. This knowledge enabled us to approach the issue with empathy and a greater appreciation for the experiences of the affected individuals. Furthermore, the most meaningful part was proposing interventions that could potentially address the low retention rate and improve the overall health outcomes for pregnant mothers with HIV. We brainstormed and critically evaluated various strategies, such as community-based support groups, mobile health technologies, and targeted health education campaigns. Collaboratively designing these interventions and envisioning their potential impact was truly fulfilling. However, the group project also presented challenges. One significant challenge was accessing reliable and up-to-date data on the low retention rate and its underlying causes. Mozambique is a complex and dynamic context, and obtaining accurate information can be difficult. Overcoming this challenge required diligent research, leveraging available resources, and consulting with experts in the field to gather the necessary data and insights. Another challenge was grappling with the ethical considerations surrounding the project. We needed to ensure that our proposed interventions were culturally sensitive, respectful of local practices, and aligned with the priorities of the community. This challenge demanded thoughtful reflection, ongoing consultation, and a commitment to centering the voices and needs of the pregnant mothers we sought to support. Despite these challenges, the group project allowed us to develop valuable skills in research, problem-solving, and cultural sensitivity. It taught us the importance of collaboration, adaptability, and empathy when addressing complex global health issues. Overall, while the project had its difficulties, the meaningful insights gained, the potential impact of our proposed interventions, and the collective effort of our team made the experience rewarding and impactful.
Danielle Garciano: For this group project I actually enjoyed it much more than past one I have had to participate in before. The instructions were very clear and my group mates were all very supportive and helpful. I would say the most meaningful part of this project was working on a real problem in the world and thinking of real solutions that are attainable, and the most challenging is of course meeting up outside of class to work on it together in person.
Anai Ramos: It was a very fun experience that allowed me to form lifelong friendship but also to apply and reinforce my duty as a global citizen. For our project, the most challenging part was figuring out possible funders, as financial information for public health programs tends to be unavailable.


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.04.10 활동장소 서울대학교 정인식 소극장(African 인종차별과 다양성 문제 해결)
활동목적 우리는 다양한 인종과 함께 어울리는 다문화 사회에 살고 있다. 결혼이민자, 외국인노동자, 외국인유학생에 이르기까지 우리 주변에서 함께 살고 있는 그들과 함께 어울려 다양한 문화가 공존하는 사회를 만들기 위한 태도에 대해서 고민하고 해결책을 제시할 필요가 있다. 사회 전반에 깔려있는 차별의 문제에 대해서 프랑스에서 제작된 African doctor 영화를 함께 감상하고, 세계시민으로서 우리가 어떠한 고민을 가져야할지, 이를 개선하기 위한 활동에는 어떤 것이 있는지 고민하는 시간을 가졌다.
활동내용 아프리카 콩고출신 의사 세욜로는 프랑스 시민권을 얻기위해서 프랑스 북부의 시골마을에 가서 의사가 되기로 한다. 프랑스 주민들은 흑인을 본적이 없기에 시장은 흑인의사가 환영 받지 못할 것이라고 한다. 이러한 반대에도 불구하고 콩고출신 의사 세욜로는 가족들과 함께 프랑스로 이사 오게 된다. 자신들이 살았던 콩고보다 더 낙후된 시골마을에서 흑인이라는 이유로 차별을 경험하며 세욜로 자신 뿐만아니라 가족들과 같은 흑인친구들에게 까지 실망을 안기게 된다. 하지만 그는 이러한 차별을 이겨내고 자신이 가진 의사라는 전문성을 활용하기 위해 먼저 그들과 친구가 되어간다. 또한 공부가 다라고 가르치던 자신의 딸의 축구실력을 통해 사람들의 마음 문을 더욱 활짝 열린다. 마지막 영화장면은 세요롤의 자녀들과 그 친구들이 자신이 경험한 차별에도 불구하고 의사로서 소명을 다하는 감동적인 장면으로 꾸며진다. 세욜로는 결국 한 마을을 위해 헌신한 의사로 인정을 받게 된다. 국적, 인종, 성별에 관계없이 다양성이 공존하는 다문화 사회를 사는 우리에게 주는 메시지에 대해서 생각하며 세계시민으로서 다문화사회를 살아가는 태도와 이를 해결하기 위한 해결방안에 대해서 함께 고찰한다. 다름이라는 이해가 아닌 개선이라는 보다 현실적인 해결책을 제시하는 시간을 가졌다.
활동소감 Group 1(Geuni Kim, 김정아, 정이안, 김대일)
"The African Doctor" (2016) is a deeply touching film that portrays the journey of the protagonist as he strives to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor by immigrating from Africa to France. The movie emphasizes the core values of a true healthcare professional and promotes social understanding and empathy. The protagonist embodies the qualities of a true healthcare professional who not only possesses medical knowledge and expertise but also demonstrates genuine care and compassion for his patients. The film showcases his determination and passion to overcome racial discrimination and cultural differences, highlighting the importance of social understanding and breaking down barriers. "The African Doctor" underscores the significance of patient-centered care and respect for human dignity. The protagonist actively listens to and understands his patients, empathizing with their struggles and concerns. He respects their cultural backgrounds and diversity, treating everyone with equal dignity. This message reinforces the values of diversity and human rights. Furthermore, the film aligns with the core values of Global Citizenship Education (GCED). It promotes diversity, human rights, sustainable development, peace and cultural understanding, and global citizenship awareness. The movie portrays the protagonist's journey as a global citizen, emphasizing the importance of cultural understanding, empathy, and embracing diversity. "The African Doctor" serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibilities and qualities of a true healthcare professional, as well as the importance of social understanding, cultural empathy, and embracing diversity. Through its heartfelt storytelling and outstanding performances, the film encourages audiences to reflect on the values of global citizenship, cultural understanding, and respect for human rights.
Group2(Ly An, Minh-Phi, Danielle, Anai)
As we watched the movie "The African Doctor" (2016), here is a few comments we had (group 2) :
In the movie "The African Doctor" (Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont), we are presented with a range of themes that provoke meaningful conversations on integrity, cultural integration, racial issues, assimilation, the value of education, and access to social security.
The African doctor's integrity is demonstrated by his choice to become a fully integrated French doctor instead of accepting a wealthy position as President Mobutu's personal physician, which he considers blood money. He believes that education is the most valuable asset for his family. The African family integrates into the town of Marly-Gomont, located in northern France, known for its lack of cosmopolitanism. Despite facing adversity, the family chooses the more challenging path that Dr. Zantoko considers as right. Access to social security in France is universal, including health insurance that covers appointments with general practitioners. However, the movie depicts residents of rural towns as being unaware of these benefits, causing them to miss out on their healthcare rights. This is an ongoing issue in France, with the phenomenon called "non-recours aux prestations sociales", litteraly translated to "non-take-up of social benefits". While the movie is set in the 1970s, French citizens now have access to "tiers payant," a system where social security directly (and partially) covers medical services so that patients don't need to pay upfront and wait for reimbursement. The non-assimilation of their relatives into the french culture (some live in Luxembourg) may stem from their wealth, which enable them to live in closed communities without need to exchange richness with other cultures. This is a significant debate in France, as many communities are not currently integrated into French values. The value of the African doctor's diploma is questioned: although he has a medical doctoral degree from the University of Lille, many people do not regard him as a "real doctor" and prefer to see a French doctor instead. This may be due to some individuals basing their judgments on subjective criteria. Contrary to the comedic tone of the French trailer, the movie itself is a deeply emotional drama, which may have been a strategic decision by the directors to attract audiences and subsequently raise awareness about racial issues and evoke empathy.
Group 3(조이수, 추유진, 김다은, 김수진)
Watching "The African Doctor" made me think about not being the mainstream in foreign country. In the movie, the main character was in France, where he and his family were the only black people. He tried to deny his own culture to melt in the domestic group. However, his wife and his children refused to. The people in rural France accepted him because he did a heroic job, not because they felt he was one of them. This made me think about how I should behave when I am in a foreign country. I thought that I should be myself, until others would accept me. Not being myself for others to accept me seemed feigning up who I am. This thought also led me to think about my English name. Learning in an English institute from a 2-year-old baby, I was made to make my English name as teachers couldn't easily pronounce 'eun' in my name. However, when I was in high school, I thought my being "veronica" would look like westerners being "김철수" and I found no reason to make English name only for others' convenience. From then, I started to make others call me by my given name. The movie once again gave me a chance to think about being myself in a globalizing world. Also, one of the parts we don’t agree with in the movie was when a pregnant lady called out several inappropriate names to the protagonist during her labor. Although the protagonist encouraged the lady to continue saying those names to help with her labor, it is possible that the protagonist is deeply offended by those words. He shrugs it off, but encouraging these actions were not the best way to handle patients with racist and discriminatory prejudice.
Group 4(조희연, 김재희, 홍여진, Himeno Kana)
The film, The African Doctor, tells the story of a black man in Congo who just got his doctor's license and overcomes prejudice in Gaumont, Mali. The most memorable scene in the movie was when Seyolo hurriedly came to help a pregnant woman give birth, and the woman looked at him with disbelief and cursed at him. Seyolo did not give in and helped the woman to give birth safely until the end. After that the woman apologized sincerely about her behavior. This scene made Seyolo feel proud of being recognized by people for the first time as a doctor, and it gave me the feeling that it was a turning point in people's perception of African doctors.

How their relatives acted in town was also very interesting. From a very young age, I have been used to sort of erasing my cultural identity and getting mixed into the group I belonged to. Because this would cause less conflicts, nobody will look at me as if I were weird, or tell me I am doing something wrong. When I did so, it was easier to get along with others. So I thought that the father was doing right trying to be the same with the village people. But when the relatives came at Christmas and sang by their own way, somebody clapped at them. I felt nice about that. Maybe it will be harder to be loved by the majority, but someone will like me still.

While watching the "African doctor", I was able to recall the experience of me trying to adapt to groups of people who were different from me. I didn't have the exact event like the movie, getting to live in the totally different culture, but when I became a high school sudent I had to make new friends from the very begining. Because there was a middle school near the high school, which almost every student in y high school came from, but I didn't graduated that middle school. And this was the time when I realize that seeping into the another group needs a lot of hard work, and is very stressful. I tried hard to approach friends first. Also to talk more easily with new friends I had to to pay more attention to trends and peer concerns. Thanks to these efforts, I was able to make many good friends, and my high school days still remain a good memory for me.

I was impressed by the way the main character tried to get along with the people in the new community positively without being pessimistic even if he was prejudiced and discriminated against. Movies that depict discrimination tend to be pessimistic, but this movie, despite the depiction of discrimination, was a positive and fun thanks to the strong mental strength of the main character and the cheerfulness of his family. Everyone has some prejudices and preconceptions, but I felt that it is important to interact with others and understand each other in order to break them. I myself once volunteered in a slum in Brazil, and I remembered the experience of gradually becoming familiar with the community through conversations with people. Discrimination and prejudice are caused by ignorance of the other party, and I once again felt that it is important to make an effort to know the other party.


소속 치의학과 담당교수 이혜원
활동기간 2023.05.08 활동장소 서울대학교 정인식 소극장(아이티,페루,르완다 결핵 및 HIV/AIDS 문제해결)
활동목적 변화란 쉽지 않다. 코로나 팬데믹으로 인해 공중보건에 대한 관심이 증폭하긴 했지만 정작 누구에게 어떠한 치료가 필요한지에 대한 관심은 많이 없는 것이 현실이다. 지금보다도 더한 무관심이 만연했던 1980년대 모두를 위한 치료, 모두를 위한 건강을 위해서 정의감으로 현실에 뛰어들었던 사람들의 이야기를 통해, 세계시민으로서 포스트 코로나 시대를 살아가는 현재의 보건이슈와 이를 해결하기 위한 우리의 자세와 해결책을 제언하는 시간을 가졌다.
활동내용 빈곤 국가에서 혁신적인 의료 서비스를 제공하기 위한 헌하는 Partner in Health의 김용, 오필리아 달, 폴파머의 실제 이야기를 담고 있는 다큐메터리 Bending the Arc를 통해서 치료가 필요한 사람들을 위한 보건의료와 정의에 대해서 토론한다. 하버드 의대 재학 시절부터 시작된 김용과 폴파머의 가난한 나라의 사람들에게 양질의 의료서비스를 제공한다는 결심은 기금모금을 통해 아이티 시골에 클리닉을 열게 한다. 하지만 자신들의 목표를 실현하기 위해서는 지역사회 활동을 통합해야한다는 것을 깨닫는다. 문화적 감수성, 세심한 경청능력, 지역 파트너십, 가정방문을 통한 치료가 획기적으로 개선되며 Partners in Health가 설립된다. 아이티에서부터 페루의 다제내성 결핵치료와 르완다에서의 항레트로바이러스 HIV치료를 실행하기까지의 여정을 다룬다. 아프리카의 현장의 스토리를 담아내기 때문에 그룹활동의 좋은 자료가 되며 이를 통해 실제 피드백을 들으므로써 보다 나은 정책 제언이 가능했다.
활동소감 Group 1(Geuni Kim, 김정아, 정이안, 김대일)
The movie "Bending the Arc"(2017) is a documentary about the story of Partners In Health's origins and how its founders influenced international movements at the centre of some of the world's most pressing humanitarian crises.
About thirty years ago, much of the world was being ravaged by horrific diseases like HIV/AIDS and turboculosis. Paul Farmer, Yong Kim, Ophelia Dahl came together in a squatter settlement in Haiti, and they determined to provide the same world-class level of medical care they would expect for their own families to Haitians. But they faced lot of obstacles seems insurmountable. They managed to bring together the resources to build real health clinics in areas that had been ignored by everyone else and stocked them with the medical supplies. And this trying experience led them to develop a revolutionary model: training ordinary Haitians as health care workers. They succeeded, and wanted to expend this model to other areas with poor health cares systems like Peru and Rwanda. During this, they found out there are patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis. What the problem is was the price of drug for drug-resistant tuberculosis is expensive. But they never gave up, and resulted lowering the price.
Their effort to provide the same world-class level of medical care was impressive. They made it not with heroism, but with humanism. They just wanted the drugs to be there like any other places. The film showed what is global citizenship, and teached to be behavioral.

Group2(Ly An, Minh-Phi, Danielle, Anai)
Here is ourGROUP 2 comments on the documentary Bending the Arc (2017):
General impression on the documentary:
The documentary was incredibly inspiring, demonstrating how a small NGO's journey in Haiti can have a domino effect, becoming a model of good practice for many countries. The dedication to global health shown in this journey was remarkable, leading to unexpected outcomes such as Dr. Yong Kim's appointment as the president of the World Bank.
Reflection on Global health rights:
This documentary repeatedly raises a crucial question: Should cutting-edge medicines, despite their high costs, be made available to everyone? As observed with the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Haiti, the debate is whether it's more beneficial to treat fewer individuals with serious diseases or more individuals with less severe conditions. The resistant strain would have escalated into a grave issue had it not been dealt with, despite the lack of support from the scientific community due to the high cost of treatment. A significant breakthrough came when it was realized that the drug to treat this disease was patent-free, thereby strongly reducing the cost.
Although it may be questionnable, health and finance are inextricably linked. While addressing global health requires great financing and directly affects people's well-being, it also impacts the economy by enhancing the overall labor capacity.
Adopting an Evidence-Based Health Model:
Despite initial rejection from the scientific community, every step taken by the originating NGO in Haiti was rooted in evidence. Their approach yielded remarkable results, recording the highest cure success rate and subsequently becoming a model adopted by numerous other countries, including Rwanda. Moreover, the strategies used to address diseases were also adapted to tackle other crises such as AIDS and Ebola.
Reflection on personal choices:
As students, we can appreciate Dr. Paul Farmer's early life decisions to address health inequalities. Despite being in the middle of his medical studies, he spent considerable time traveling between the US for his classes and Haiti to develop health infrastructure. His commitment is inspiring, showing the transformative changes a single individual can make for numerous populations.
Sponsorship of Matt Damon & Ben Affleck:
Their roles as executive producers for this documentary, despite being unrelated to the field of global health, is commendable. Their contribution goes a long way in raising awareness about global health issues and highlighting the ongoing efforts and potential solutions in the field.
Group 3(조이수, 추유진, 김다은, 김수진)
Bending the Arc is a documentary about building a successful healthcare system in African countries. It was very inspiring in a way that it shows how few people can make huge difference.
Bending the Arc demonstrates how Paul Farmer, Jim and others overcome hardships, impediments and accomplish their goals. Throughout the movie, they face a lot of obstacles. Mostly it was the money. They always lacked money. It wasn't due to the poverty of the country, but it was because of the World Bank and developed countries. They gave loans to poor countries, and urged them to cut the budget for healthcare in order to pay the debt, which led to a serious risk of the health of the people from those countries. Another major obstacle was the stereotype that it is more efficient to spend money on prevention than cure. It was quite shocking to see how people could be so cruel that they sentence death to so many suffering patients of Africa and still think they are doing the right thing.
It was quite a new notion to think that everyone deserves the same thing, since some treatments are so expensive, some people cannot get the treatment even in developed countries. However Paul Parker and Jim Kim did not agree on that idea, and fought against it. It gave shame to us when economists and doctors said people from poor countries should not aspire for expensive latest treatments. We could not help thinking that those words were quite persuasive. What is the worth of a medicine, a vaccine, a treatment, a cure if the price is so high that the patients cannot get it? Medical developments should be used to cure people, not to gain wealth.
Group 4(조희연, 김재희, 홍여진, Himeno Kana)
Contrary to my expectations, this film was made like a live-action documentary and I was able to watch it with interest. Paul Farmer works hard to treat tuberculosis in Canju, a small town in Haiti. Also, it touched my heart that he did his best to develop disease treatment in underdeveloped countries by joining forces with Kim Yong, who is famous in Korea. I was deeply impressed by their words, 'Being pessimistic with intellect but optimistic with will is the key to solving medical problems in underdeveloped countries'.

I've heard of Paul Farmer, but I didn't know exactly what he have made. But watching this documentary, I could know that he did a really great job that is not easy for other people to do. I was touched by how hard they worked for a miracle. When others thought they couldn't do it at all, they started, worked for the goal and eventually made it. In fact, I was surprised that there are still tuberculosis patients in some areas. It was a pity that tuberculosis was sufficiently cured and that people were dying due to lack of money and medicine, even though it was a disease that humans could overcome. I was able to remind again of my desire to serve in areas where medical care was marginalized, which was my dream when I was young.

I do not believe in religion, but I think that there are things that only religious people can do. Things that Paul’s team did was seemed to me as one kind of those. I was impressed how they would throw themselves in that harsh environment and devote to the people they even don’t know. I will willingly volunteer to help others, but when this have strong negative impacts on me, (too much stress, health issues…) I think I wouldn’t do what their team did. I am always surprised at people who seem to think about helping others prior to themselves. How can they do that?

It was a movie that expresses the essence of global health. It was the embodiment of global health that the main characters started medical activities for the poor in Haiti, a country different from their hometowns, and applied the results obtained there to other countries. In addition, even when the price of AIDS remedy is high, they did not give up and tried their best until they achieved results. It taught me the lesson of never giving up and continuing to try until success is achieved. The film was very impressive in its portrayal of the characters who are willing to give their all for global health with the attitude that it does not matter where they are as long as they can save lives, even in the midst of inadequate medical facilities.
