Social Responsibility, Seoul National University

Representative Volunteer Program for Global Community at SNU
  • The Global SNUSR Corps is a program established to operate and execute overseas volunteering activities in developing countries by selecting and dispatching dedicated SNU volunteer members.
  • SNUSR Corps has been continuously dispatched during the summer and winter vacations to enhance the sustainable growth of the international society and realize the social responsibility of SNU.
Various Social Responsibility Activities During Vacations
  • Volunteering activities are carried out by various social responsibility programs in diverse fields including regionally customized appropriate technology, education, culture and medical service programs.
  • Countries to which the Global SNUSR Corps are frequently dispatched: Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Tanzania, Cuba, China, Cambodia, Kenya, Philippines, etc.
Fostering Global Leaders and Global Citizens
  • The awareness of social responsibility is enhanced through the cooperative activities for international development, and various experimental activities are performed continuously.
  • The volunteers are fostered as global leaders equipped with international mindset and community spirit through the proactive volunteering activities, and their global citizenship and competence in the field of development cooperation are strengthened.
  • About 2,500 volunteers participated in the program between 2013 and 2019.
Social Responsibility for Global Community Optimized to Online Environment
  • An online digital program for social responsibility activities, targeting global communities.
Experiences and Photos
Park ○○ (joined in the summer program 2019)
“I can confidently say that I have overcome my own limitations through the activities, and so I gained greater self-confidence.”
Lee ○○ (joined in the winter program 2019)
“I’m sure that I would have regretted if I had not participated in these activities before my graduation. We were one team altogether, and we had a good influence on the areas where we were dispatched by our own unique method.”
Appropriate Technology-Sharing Activities
Sharing appropriate technologies to address social problems in the dispatched countries, including the installation of water purification facilities and the improvement of the farming environment
Education-Sharing Activities
Planning and practicing education sharing activities in science, music and arts by visiting educationally disadvantaged areas
Culture-Sharing Activities
Practicing culture-sharing activities to make known Korean culture, including the traditional culture and K-POP, and to exchange cultures mutually
Medical Service-Sharing Activities
Performing medical service activities, including family medicine examination, diabetes prevention, lectures.
Preparation of Creating easy educational contents for education of COVID-19 prevention
Non-contact Online exchange with on-site Digital SR Group SNUSR Corps members in other countries
Identifying Problems of Local Communities and Searching for Solutions
  • The Local SNUSR Corps is a program established to operate and execute social responsibility activities by visiting disaster-stricken areas or socially and economically disadvantaged areas.
Planning and Practicing of Cooperation with Local Communities and Social Responsibility Activities
  • The program is operated one or two times a year (summer/winter).
  • The program is planned to address various social problems in cooperation with the institutions in local communities.
  • Members of the Local SNUSR Corps are recruited and selected, and supports are provided for the planning meetings and educational sessions by experts.
Realizing Service-Learning Activity Model and Social Obligations
  • Various social responsibility activities are planned and carried out to address problems of local communities, including environmental and medical voluntary services, mentoring for the youth, and participatory education, thereby strengthening the social obligations and the awareness of social responsibility.
  • About 330 students participated in the program between 2013 and 2019.
Social Responsibility for Global Community Optimized to Online Environment
  • An online digital program for social responsibility activities, targeting global communities.
Social Responsibility through Online Activities
  • This program is to practice online social responsibility activities in the online environment regardless of time and place.
Experiences and Photos
Kim ○○ (joined in the summer program 2018)
“I learned that each one of us can easily find something to help others in their own places. If we have a more positive look about SR social responsibility and are able to participate, we can fulfill our shares.”
Medical Support
Oral health education for local residents (Ganghwa)
Animal Care Activities
Diagnosis and examination of industrial animals in Wudo (Jeju)
Mentoring in Career Counseling
Arduino-based designing and making of vehicle (Tongyeong)
Team Activity for Mentoring
Mentees giving a talk with the theme of “Imagine with Carbon Fiber” (Gumi)
Environment Protection Activities
Seedling activity with the theme of “Small Garden in My Hand” (Gunsan)
Cultural Performance Activities
Culture sharing activities by “Visiting Concert” (Ganghwa)
VR experience of ‘Digital School Trip to Seoul’ at middle school
Members presenting real-time online conference activities of ‘ON-AIR Week’ with the members