SNU Mentoring

Social Responsibility, Seoul National University

Web System-Based Online Mentoring
  • The program is a 1:1 online mentoring program between SNU students (mentors) and middle and high school students throughout Korea (mentees).
  • Based on their mentoring experiences, the mentors provide communication and counseling with the assigned mentees about learning method, career, and daily concerns for about 1 year.
Systematic Management through Mentoring Activity Monitoring and Mentor Education
  • Educational programs are provided twice a year and regular mentor meetings are held to increase the competence of the mentors.
  • A supervisor system is operated by the human resources who have many experiences in mentoring to support the smooth operation of the SNU Mentoring program.
  • The program also includes a campus visit program to invite the mentees to the SNU campus as well as a monthly mentor-mentee “couple mission” events.
Providing SR Social Responsibility Experiences and Forming Positive Self-Image
  • The online mentoring activities provide opportunities to experience social responsibility activities and improve leadership skills.
  • About 940 students participated in the program between 2013 and 2020.
Experiences and Photos
Lee ○○ (joined in 2019)
“I was happy to help my mentee to discover the internal strength and learn that I was giving a positive influence through mentoring. Furthermore, it was very satisfactory to learn that my mentee started to have a dream for the future.”
SNU Mentoring
Platform on the Official Website
Platform to conduct mentoring through 1:1 information board and text messaging
Online Education for Mentors
Education for increasing the mentoring competence for effective mentoring
Online Education for Mentees
Education for middle and high school students participating in the mentoring program
Mentor Meetings
Sharing mentoring experiences and evaluating the mentoring activities
SNU Visit
Mentees visiting the SNU campus
Social Gathering Events for Mentoring
Icebreaking time between mentors and mentees