Outreach Mentoring

Mentoring for Educationally Disadvantaged Youths
  • This program is to provide mentoring, during summer and winter breaks, on learning and career counseling to the youths living in areas that are educationally disadvantaged.
  • The mentors help the mentees to develop positive learning habits and provide them with various opportunities for exploring career paths through face-to-face mentoring.
Discovering Cooperative Institutions / Planning and Practicing Mentoring Activities
  • The program is operated one or two times a year (summer/winter).
  • Members of the Outreach Mentoring program are recruited and selected, and supports are provided through educational sessions by experts.
  • Cooperative institutions are discovered and connected to provide support.
Acquiring SR Social Responsibility Awareness and Increasing Capabilities to Practice
  • The program provides the youths with the opportunities to explore career, motivate them for learning, and encourage to experience the feelings of accomplishments.
  • About 200 students participated in the program between 2013 and 2019.
Experiences and Photos
Yoo ○○ (joined in winter 2019)
“I feel that the outreach mentoring activities rekindled the zeal in the heart of the children, whether the zeal may have been strong already in some children or the flame may have been slightly withered in others. Moreover, I guess that the activities rekindled the flame in the hearts of the mentors as well.” Hwang ○○ (joined in winter 2018)
“Conducting the program together with the mentees, I was so happy to see their pure heart and kindness. This program gave the mentors many beautiful memories, made them feel happier, and learn many things.”
Mentoring activities about learning and career (Ulsan)
Mentors and mentees attending an orientation (Dangjin)