Social Responsibility PLUS+

Social Responsibility, Seoul National University

The Only Social Responsibility Contest at SNU
  • The Social Responsibility PLUS+ Contest is a project to discover and support creative social responsibility ideas from the SNU members to contribute to the local and global communities.
  • The contests provide the SNU members with the opportunities to develop and learn about social responsibility models that can enable them to contribute to the society proactively.
Collecting Diverse Social Responsibility Ideas
  • The Social Responsibility PLUS+ Contest is held once a year (in November). Any SNU members can apply to the contest with creative SR social responsibility ideas in the sections of local and global community. The applicants compete one another within three categories (undergraduate/freshman/expert).
  • The contest is conducted in the order of preliminary document examination, finals, decision of prize winners, and follow-up projects.
Pioneering New Social Responsibility Domains through Contest
  • The contest contributes to the society by discovering creative SR social responsibility ideas and realizing the ideas through actual projects.
  • The contest helps the participants to acquire knowledge about the fields of SR social responsibility and motivate them to participate in the SNUSR activities continuously.
  • The contest enables the participants to the social responsibility models for universities to take actions against various social problems.
  • A total of 225 SNU members won the prizes between 2017 and 2020.
Project presentation in the 2018 Smart Social Responsibility Contest
Presentations in the finals of the 2019 Social Responsibility PLUS+ Contest
Poster presentations in the finals of the 2019 Social Responsibility PLUS+ Contest
Award ceremony in the finals of the 2020 Social Responsibility PLUS+ Contest
Promoting Various Programs of SNUSR
  • Through the Social Responsibility PLUS+ Festival, the students participated in social responsibility programs of SNUSR actively promote their activities and experiences and encourage others to join.
  • It encourages SNU members to participate as well as propagate the recognition of the social responsibility activities, and provides opportunities to motivate other SNU members.
Operation of Public Relations Booths and Events
  • Two to four booths are operated respectively by the Global Social Service Center and the Global Development Cooperation Center, twice a year, to introduce various social responsibility activities of SNUSR.
  • The photos or videos containing the experiences of the members who have participated in the SR social responsibility programs are shown in the public relations booths.
  • The SNUSR programs are advertised to the SNU members while various special events are held.
Propagation of Social Responsibility Awareness and Culture in SNU
  • Social Responsibility PLUS+ Festival provides the members who have already participated in the SR social responsibility programs the opportunities to be reminded of the meanings of their previous activities.
  • It provides the SNU members with the information as to when the participants are recruited, what activities they can participate and how they can participate.
  • It offers the opportunities to propagate the awareness of the social responsibility activities and participate in those activities.
Public relations about the SNUSR programs at the booth
Sharing the feelings experienced through the participation in the SNUSR programs