
[언론보도] SNU Mentoring: A Helping Hand for Teenagers

2022-04-21l 조회수 806

ㅁ 기사 부분 발췌
  - Due to growing interest in SNU Mentoring, the number of participating mentees is on the rise every year, while there are relatively fewer mentors. Accordingly, some of the mentors currently need to take care of two mentees each. Yoo thus hoped that more SNU students would apply as mentors. “Many students are concerned that mentoring is a time-consuming activity, but SNU Mentoring is not. Just a few minutes spent each week on writing one online post can provide a great boost for mentor and mentee alike,” she said. As one SNU student mentor says, “the best teachers of mentors are the mentees.”

ㅁ 기사 링크
  - SNU Newroom, https://en.snu.ac.kr/snunow/snu_media/news?md=v&bbsidx=136026

 ㅁ 기사 출처
  -  SNU Newroom, Seunghwan Oh. 2022.04.