

[알림] ‘SHANUM’ volunteer recruitment(Various volunteer activities unrelated to Korean language ability / Teaching basic level Thai, Russian language)

2021-10-27l 조회수 899
SHANUM Multicultural Society for Social Responsibility at Seoul National University Social Responsibility (SNUSR) is recruiting volunteers for
2021-Fall SHANUM Multicultural Society for Social Responsibility (the 4th membership).

SHANUM Multicultural Society for Social Responsibility is a volunteer program where SNU members (students, faculty, staff)

with multicultural backgrounds carry out various volunteer activities based on their knowledge and experiences within the local community setting.
Join us today! It will be a great opportunity to meet our neighbors within the community and make new friends at SNU!

*Please refer to the attached file for detailed information.

Please apply via the following link.

■ Application Link: https://forms.gle/PzhpyFTjE5yM7WyK9

[Program Information]

■ What We Do:

SHANUM Multicultural Society for Social Responsibility consists of two main programs.
You may choose one of the two programs below.

Program 1) Various volunteering activities(Irregular activities unrelated to Korean language ability)

Program 2) Mother tongue education(Teaching basic level Thai, Russian)

*Please refer to the attached file for detailed information.


■ Who We Are Looking For:

Any registered members (student, faculty, etc.) at Seoul National University including those on leave

interested in volunteering activities with participants of various cultural backgrounds.

■ Duration: November 16th, 2021 ~ January 28th, 2022

■ Application Deadline: November 9th, 2021

■ Application Link: https://forms.gle/PzhpyFTjE5yM7WyK9

■ For inquiries,

-Phone: 02-880-2993

-E-mail: bongkwankim07@snu.ac.kr

*Please refer to the attached file for detailed information.